DPC, John Bark and I went down to the big oval looking thing and raced some fixede gear bikes around circles last night. I know what your thinking. Lame Right. I will never talk to Mitchell Hoke again. Well its kinda fun. I would never trade in a mountain bike race for it but its better then doing intervals. Here is list of why you should go too.
1. You can show up not knowing anything about how to race on the track and not have enough money and thy will let you race with seasoned vetrans.
2. There are more spectators then at a Norba.
3. Track guys hav no endurance and you can break away with fat old guy and john Barker.
4. There is the cuitest mid twenties USAC official i havw ever seen.
5. Since you don't have a tack bike they give you this sick old school ones for free.
John Drops the Ball in the Sprint Final
This bike could be under your tushie
Not Track racing but fun aswell. More Fun?
Where is Jeff Hansen
Mitch Hoke