Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jeeps anyone?

Moab the Meca of bike trips for the early and late riding season is also host to another sport besides mountain biking. I wish i could say that it was the shuffle board capital or host to a great bowling league. Nope. For a week in March Moab is filled with more jeeps then you thought existed in the US. Now i can see why people are into rally car racing and stuff, but the jeeps just drive up a trail and average speed of 1 mile and hour. I would like to give the drivers the benefit of the doubt that they are smart people. But who wants to drive across the country pulling a jeep just to drive it down Amasaback. Ide much rather save some gas and use two wheels.

Dirty Harry scored one for the home team with a pissed off over sized truck driver and his new "cry me river" routine. (you can ask him)

We then got a great going away present the last day on Slick Rock. This is a freshy Jeep role over. Injuries to driver: Ego

There are some Trails for bikes only


Ride and Respect
Mitch Hoke

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