Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fountain Hills, my retirement home.

Well Im real glad to have made it out of Fontana alive. I mean sketchy hotels and crossing freeways can really get to you. The drive was pretty short and sweet with little Benny. We got some cool veiws. 
California has some pretty cool power plants along the I-10
Arizona has some sweet biker bros. The guy on the left had to be pushing 350. His bike puts out way more watts then I do. 

I currently am pushing new biking style. Its like a goggle gap with  bike helmet
The scenery is much better here then in the LA basin. Sitting in this coffee shop I found that the most popular drink for health conscious elderly people is the "non fat skim, decaf, double, fat free vanilla berry mochachino". I haven't tried one yet but here its to die for. 

Ride More
Mitch Hoke

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